Cap & Cheers: Celebrating Graduates in your family
Share up to 10 graduation photos of family members who've recently earned their tassles.
Share your famous family recipe.
What’s the family recipe that defines your heritage, the one that brings everyone together, laughter and tears alike? Unwrap the legacy on your plate.
Share Photos & Memories.
Upload a cherished family photo and tell the Story Behind the Image. Describe the special occasion pictured, the relationships between the individuals, and what made this day unique in your family’s history.
Capturing the chaos, the joy, and the love of your family together
We'd love to hear what makes your family gatherings unique! Do you have a funny tradition that everyone looks forward to?
Add More Photos & Stories (Optional).
Upload additional photos with descritpions of the memories they hold, this will help us to build a richer tapestry of your family’s past.
Cherished Memories: Capturing Moments That Last a Lifetime
Cherishing these moments together
Acknowledge your eldest family member
Every ancestor holds a piece of you. Acknowledge them, and strengthen your connection to your roots. Share their stories: Pass down their legacy to future generations.
Here are ways to connect:
Capture the essence of your family's journey with just two clicks!
Share two cherished photos and let True Story App preserve your memories for generations to come.
Upload another image!
Capture countless moments.
Take the first step towards preserving your family legacy!
Within simple photos lie the treasures of your family's past.
Share the joy, laughter, and love by uploading your favorite 50 snapshots now!
Family photos are the heartstrings that tie us to our past and our loved ones. They remind us of the laughter, the milestones, and the simple joys of being together.
Gather your 30 favorite family pictures and let's celebrate the beautiful chaos of family life!